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Why study Psychology?

Whatever career you pursue, a background in psychology will enhance your employability. Studying psychology can…

…help you understand yourself and other people by learning about aspects of human behaviour that will help you in daily life, including your interactions with others, your learning and memory performance, your ability to cope with pressure and your understanding of the causes of psychological disorders.

…complement other learning by combining Psychology with other courses. Many courses in the Faculty of Arts and Social Science, as well as those in the Australian School of Business, benefit from an understanding of human behaviour, be it social interaction, language and communication, human motivation and emotion, or the process of decision-making. Knowledge about brain function and behaviour is of considerable benefit to students studying other science degrees.

…develop sound analytical skills through the application of scientific method. Psychology is a science. The defining feature of any science is the objective approach that is used to advance our knowledge. In psychology we use this scientific approach to learn about behaviour and mental life. Psychology provides an excellent training in analytic thinking and scientific research methods that are applicable to a broad range of careers.

…prepare you for a career as a professional Psychologist. Psychologists work in a wide variety of different contexts, including clinical, legal, organisational, educational and research settings in both the private and public sector. The initial training required to work as a psychologist is an accredited undergraduate degree in psychology. Specialist training in different professional areas is then provided in postgraduate degrees.

...provide excellent job prospects in a wide range of careers. Job Outlook, the careers and labour market research information site of the Australian Government, makes the following points about Psychologists: Psychologists are employed across several industries including Health Care and Social Assistance; Public Administration and Safety; Education and Training; and Administrative and Support Services. This mix of industries is highly favourable for employment growth prospects. In fact, employment growth over the next ten years is predicted to exceed 140%, with growth in the top 10% of all careers over the next 2-10 years. For Psychologists working full-time, average weekly hours are 37.8 (compared to 41.3 for all occupations) and earnings are above average – in the top 20% of all careers. Unemployment for Psychologists is low.



⑴ 心理学知识对人的实践活动具有调节作用,影响活动效率的提高;

⑵ 教育是实践活动的一种形式,心理学的知识和方法有助于教师描述、解释、预测、控制学生的行为,使学生朝着教学目标方向变化;

⑶ 教育实践又不断地为心理学家们提出研究课题,并检验着心理学理论,促进心理学的繁荣和发展。





一、人的心理是有规律的,企业管理、思想政治教育、人员选拔、安全生产、人际关系等等都需要了解人的心理。学习心理学,有利于人们更好、更完善地了解、 处理这些问题。

二、有助于了解自己、加强自我修养。心理学知识对于自我教育很重要, 科学地理解心理现象,能使人正确地评价自己个性品质的长处和短处,确定个别的特点, 正确而自觉去努力发展积极的品质,克服消极的品质。 

三、在工作、学习和生活中,一个人难免会碰到种种心理难题和心理困惑。例如:恋爱问题、 婚姻问题、自卑问题、人际关系问题以及失眠、焦虑、忧郁等等,学了心理学能很好地进行自我分析和自我调节,不致于陷入心理困惑之中而不能自拔,最后导致心理疾病,甚至是精神病。 

四、学习心理学,能开阔人的视野。尤其是从事文学、哲学、美学、医学等学科的人们, 再学一些心理学知识,它能丰富人的思想和观点。 

五、实现自我价值。现代社会越发展,人的精神生活将越来越重要,心理问题会越来越多, 心理学亦将越来越重要。对一个心理学工作者来说,能把自己所学的一点心理学知识奉献于社会, 服务于人民,也是很有意义的事



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